What Makes InSite Facility Solutions Different?
Mission- The team at InSite is committed to using our skills and abilities to meet the needs and improve the quality of life for our families, our communities and other places where the need is great.
Vision- InSite is committed to helping visionary organizations to acquire, renovate, expand, and/or build facilities to advance their vision. InSite is especially committed to helping organizations that are focused on meeting the most basic and important human needs.
Approach- InSite helps visionary organizations to get the facilities that they need by utilizing the experience and knowledge that we have acquired while working with many of today's most successful organizations that set the standard for facilities development. InSite uses the formula Great People + Disciplined Processes = Outstanding Results.
Great People- InSite is made up of people who are not only very good at what they do, but are also committed to making a difference in people's lives. We are committed to doing good, while doing well. Our people take great pleasure in using their specialized talents to serve and support the advancement of our clients' vision.
Disciplined Process- InSite has been fortunate to be exposed to the most effective processes for assessing, designing, and building facilities that consistently meet the organization's vision, needs, and resources, in the fastest, most reliable and cost-effective way. The key to these successful processes is a very disciplined execution of each and every step.
Outstanding Results- InSite has consistently achieved results that best serve the organization's parameters for success. Those parameters vary from one organization to the next and often conflict with the priorities of the design and construction industry. As the clients advocate, we insure that those competing interests never supersede the organization's priorities.
Strategy- InSite is composed of real estate, assessment, design and construction professionals that have the ability to work independently to meet a client's specific need or to work together as a team to provide the client with a full range of services from concept to completion. Most of the team is made up of independent contractors, as well as a few joint ventures where licensing and regulations require. There is a small group of employees that make up the core of the team with a focus on the development and management of the organization.